
Kindergarten and Bedroom Update

Friday, August 4, 2017

Today was Logan's first day of kindergarten, and it was a brilliant success! He absolutely loved it.
One of the neat things about moving back to the city that Justin was raised in his whole life (and where I lived from age 11 to 22), is the people we encounter who we've crossed paths with before. For example, Logan's new kindergarten teacher was also Justin's kindergarten teacher early in her career! And she still works at the same school and in the same classroom. That's so neat to me.

We took the opportunity during our move to replace our mattress with a new Nectar mattress, which we love! They were doing a promo for $125 off and 2 free pillows, so it was a really good deal for us. It sleeps like a dream too! The bed itself came from Wayfair, and the sheets are from Brooklinen (the core sheets). I can't recommend them enough, they are crisp, cool, and keep Justin from burning up at night. The quilt and shams are Anthropologie, and we snagged them during a great sale, which was awesome!
I'm in love with those jewelry hangers on the left. My dad made those for me based on some similar, very expensive ones I found online. 

I've mentioned before that I was cutting down my closet to a capsule wardrobe. This is it! I do have a few special occasion dresses tucked away that aren't part of my capsule, since they would only be worn for rare events. My pajamas, workout clothes, lounge clothes, and etc. have all been cut down to manageable quantities and are not part of the capsule. I have my Fall and Winter items (sweaters, coats) as well as my Fall and Winter shoes packed away in underbed storage so that I can easily switch them out with the seasons. There are still a few things I plan to add to my capsule, but I'm making an effort to buy higher quality items over time, so I'll be picking them up slowly as I go along. I'm also making note of the items in my wardrobe that I never reach for, so that I can phase those out for good when Fall rolls around and I update my wardrobe. I'm taking major inspiration from the ever-stylish Caroline at Unfancy. If you're thinking of doing a capsule wardrobe, she's got a lot of practical advice that can get you on your way.

Since we moved in I've been trying to figure out what to do with this electrical panel behind the bedroom door, but so far I'm stumped. It's in an awkward spot where I would need something quite large to cover it. I thought about the long mirror I've got on the nearby wall, but I think it's in the best spot for it. So my search continues!
Do you have any creative solutions for covering a visible electrical panel like this?

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